martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

little maestro

He was just there, in his little maestro walker, he pushed a button and a symphony started playing. I, amazed at how more agile he has become with his hands, reaching, touching and grabbing toys, said to amatxu: "He's a genius!". "I know!" she replied, "I didn't know he could compose music so well".

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

his first words

Gabo has been a lot more verbal the last few days, I swear I heard him say "mama" yesterday, although amatxu thinks he said "obama".

Either way, I'm cool with that.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

anti-chef monday

I’ve never been a good cook, but that’s ok, I’ve never liked cooking anyway. Since the baby has been here I’ve found myself eating more veggies and buying less processed foods (I’m a mom now, I need to take care of myself). Working all week outside of the home leaves me with almost no time to cook on a daily basis AND spend quality time with G, so I’m trying to make up for that during the weekends. No cookbooks or recipes though, I’m kind of experimenting in my “lab”. Good thing my partner eats EVERYTHING and is the one doing the tasting almost all the time, since I’m too scare of my own concoctions. Have I told you I’m not a good cook? If you’re going to use it as a sauce over meat (it goes great with pork chops) I would suggest dicing the peppers into small square pieces or long thin strips. I pureed mine and ate it with some cheese.

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

secularism at home

Can a child be raised in a 100% secular household? That's a question I often ask myself and I guess is something that will only answered as G grows up.

Religion is everywhere, whether we like it or not, it's a big part of who we are, of how we were raised. So far G has not been baptized, circumcised or presented in any church or temple. My partner swears she's going to get him baptized, even when she is a non practicing catholic who despises organized religion. For her it has to do with her culture, a tradition passed from one generation to another, like Christmas (but more boring and without presents). Should I get him circumcised then? Seeing as even my agnostic father had his "Pepito" sniped. (It's a good thing he's no longer alive, since he would have died if he knew I was writing on a public blog about "Pepito").

What about Easter, Christmas, Carnival, Halloween? Should we treat those holidays as a time for fun and not focus on their religious meaning or should we just ignore them altogether? Did my mother had the same questions, or are those questions for our modern times? Religion was not something we talked about at home. Abuela took me to church every Sunday and both my parents gave me presents at Christmas and for the Reyes Magos Day without attaching any kind of religious connotations to them. Did they have the same questions I have now?

I don't want G to miss out on things both my partner and I remember fondly from our childhood, but are we being hypocrites if we “celebrate” those holidays?

As I write this I’ve been told that the costume for Carnaval is a must, so I guess we’ll just decide as we go along.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

Gabi says:

"Vaccines suck!".

We tried calming him down with words like "It hurts us more than it hurts you", but who are we kidding?

I know vaccination works, but is there no other way to get rid of a desease than making al healthy baby sick?

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

“Why Shlomi, why?”

Today my heart goes out to Dr. Ezzeldeen Abu al-Aish.

This must be unbearable for any parent, specially for someone who has always talked about peace.

I had hope, but I'm finding it hard to believe that a peaceful resolution will be possible. I don't think Dr. Ezzeldeen will be thinking of peace anymore.

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

paper or fabric?

A few months ago, BB (before baby), I took it upon myself to save the planet one bag at a time. A basic plastic bag served as a template for a much better, eco-friendlier version of that disposable classic. I had great plans and good intentions; I just didn’t have the attention span needed to make more than one. And so my small creation that was going to change the way our family went grocery shopping now just hangs there, stuffing its belly with scraps. The tote hanging next to it was made after I found the cross stitched cherry jam my mother had made and never used. I used it a few times, but it has gone into “retirement” and now spends its lazy days guarding some unfinished cross stitch projects.

(As I was finishing this post Amatxu and the baby waltzed (or tangoed) in while Gardel was playing in the background. I SO love my love right now.)

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

brown and blue

Contrary of what many may think, my favorite color is not green, it’s brown, deep, dark chocolate brown. So when the time came for us to get ready for the baby, and get our hands into projects induced by two terribly out of synch biological clocks frantically ticking inside an already reckless couple trying to become a family, the first color that came to my mind was, you guessed it, brown.

Compromising on a gender neutral combination was not easy, lime greens , yellows and beige looked good; but a simple purchase made it all clear for us… aqua and brown. Things (or stuff as my partner would call them) were made, and then we had to wait.

“So you’re adopting a boy” everyone said when they laid their eyes on my blue and brown creations. “Not really, actually we’re hoping for a girl”. (Insert here awkward silence and “the look”. You know that look. It’s the look your friend gives you when you order the large fries. It’s the look that says: “You shouldn’t.”). But we were stubborn, blue it was, and my vision of little Eva in a pink free environment, much to the pleasure of my partner, slowly grew on me.

And then we got the call, our baby was ready to come home, and it turned out that our gender neutral vision went out the window the moment they said the baby was a boy; a beautiful, healthy, brown and blue baby boy.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

I didn't make the baby...

...but I did make the quilt.
Back when I had the time and decided to venture in the wonderful world of crafts, I made this quilt. Without having the proper knowledge about quilting, binding, measurements and lacking of a walking foot for my sewing machine. But still it was “my first” and I could never part with it, just like the cutie laying on top of it.

it matters to me

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

a little bit of blue amogst all the green

Our baby boy Gabriel came home to us a few weeks ago. So far there have been no time for crafts, books or paintings, and I'm told that will probably be the case until he goes to college. So I guess I'll become a mommy blogger (or mamá blogger in my case).